
When are you looking to start a weight loss programme?

Have you ever worn a blood glucose patch for weight loss?

It's a patch that sticks on for about 14 days at a time.

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By understanding and taking charge of their metabolism, the average Limbo user loses 9.8 kg in three months

The glucose sensor on the arm shows your metabolism – Limbo coaches you how to change it.

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How well would you say you understand your metabolism?

Are you trying to lose weight for a specific reason?

Pick the one that feels closest:

What is your health issue?

Pick the one that's closest:

Do you have a timeline for losing weight?

For example, a wedding / reunion / holiday etc 

What's your target date?

A deadline date, when you want to reach your goal weight.

Please select a date.

If you had to pick one thing you'd like most, which would you choose?

78% of Limbo members report that their sleep improved, with the programme

75% of Limbo members report "improved" or "much improved" energy levels

82% of Limbo members lose weight, and keep it off afterwards

Where do you live?

Which US state do you live in?

And how much do you weigh, in pounds?

Weight in lbs:
Please specify an answer

What is your goal weight, in pounds?

Goal weight (lbs):
Only numbers, not letters, please :-) Approximate is fine

Which country do you live in?

How much do you currently weigh, in kilograms?

I currently weigh (round to nearest kilo)...
Looks low! Please use kilos (2.2lbs = 1 kilo)

Ok, so today your weight is around @starting_weight_kg*100/100 kg.

What is your goal weight, in kilograms?

I'd like to lower my weight to...
Please choose a goal weight between 50 and 500kg

Ok, so today your weight is around @working_pretty_starting_weight_kg kg and your goal weight is around @goal_weight_kg*100/100 kg.

To go from @working_pretty_starting_weight_kg kg down to @working_pretty_goal_weight_kg kg, means losing around @working_pretty_starting_weight_kg - @working_pretty_goal_weight_kg kilos.

Limbo can help you get there.


A 'satnav for weight loss'

By taking control of her metabolism, Ciara O'Brien (The Irish Times) lost 9kg in her 50-day test, and kept it off. She wrote a comprehensive review – we'll send the article to you.

How tall are you?

What is your biological sex?

Typically, the one assigned at birth. We're looking to benchmark physicality: muscle and fat mass, for example.

What year were you born?

We'll use this to calculate metrics/targets.

Type the year you were born (eg 1969)
Please enter a year, between 1924 and 2002

Do you have an iPhone 8, or later?

Do you eat meat?

Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes type 1?

Do you have an active diagnosis of an eating disorder, such as bulimia or anorexia?

Reviewing. One moment please...

It sounds like Limbo could help. If you mirror the average Limbo member, you'll lose around @starting_weight_kg*0.09 kg in three months. Leave your details and we'll email you a customised programme:

First name
Please enter your first name
Email address
Please enter a valid email address
NOTE: Access is currently limited. Leaving your email does not guarantee a place straight away, but increases your priority.
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